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When joining UNMC before you are made a patched member who is able to vote on club matters you will start off as a prospect. This is to make sure you are a right fit for the club and the club is the right fit for you. It gives all members a chance to get to play with you and you to play with them before deciding if its the right choice.



Being a prospect does not mean you will be treated any different to other members you won't be used as a source of entertainment and members will be expected to show you the same respect they show any other member, It just means you have not earned the right to vote or wear the patch yet.


You will not be sent off to a prospect crew making it hard to find lobby's with patched members and start playing with the brotherhood your meant to be joining as it just makes it more difficult to find and play with the people your meant to be getting to know so will still be invited into the main crew.


There is no set time or set rules on how to become a patched member it might take a few days or a few weeks it all depends on how well you fit in and how often you play with other members. It's about showing you can have fun, follow the rules and are loyal to the club and it's members


During your prospect phase you will be given a current patched member as your sponsor who will help you out throughout your time in the club, If you have any problems then he will be your first port of call.


A prospect phase is something everyone has been through in the club and everything you are asked to do as a prospect each and every member has done themselves including all the officers. Its generally to seperate the crew hoppers and inactive randoms from the players who will put the effort in to have fun.


If you want a group of loyal players you can depend on and call your brothers then the prospect phase will be well worth your time


To apply to be a prospect please read the BYLAWS and either apply through the form on the APPLY page or add Kelt1993, Phyco_blue22 or Lewisvee on PSN.

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